
Science and research at the LFZ Raumberg Gumpenstein welcomes the experience for the young participants of the children’s University 2011 the team of aircraft Raumberg-Gumpenstein, under the direction of Dr. Anton Hausleitner, launched the 43 students of the children’s University Rottenmann under bright sunshine in a day full of experiences. Were the children of the uni Rottenmann with enthusiasm, as it on the experiment and explore went. DI Sabine banjo declared at the first station, Reinhard Huber and Roland Kitzer, of the Institute for animal research, the different kinds of meat quality characteristics, and Physiology and morphology of ruminants in a simple way. Read more here: James A. Levine, M.D.. The feeding and habits of animals could watch the children directly in the research. The Scheer force of a carrot was valued at a guessing game the best estimates were awarded small prizes.

The second station was by may. Elisabeth Finotti, Raffaella of Rachel and Sandra Illmer, supervised by the Institute for animal health, and animal husbandry. First were presented to the General tasks and priorities of the Institute, then presents instruments such as noise instruments or air flow meters. Univ.Doz. Dr.

Karl Buchgraber, Director of the Institute for plant cultivation and cultural landscape, declared in a third station the surrounding grassland the interested researchers and gave the pupils too much general knowledge of the Enns valley. After this eventful morning, still a healthy snack for the children has been prepared. Interesting pictures are this expedition on available.

The Nebula

Using NuSTAR, scientists will look for clues to the conditions which must be observed in the central part of the exploding star and the traces of which were sealed with samples of elements scattered throughout the Nebula, left after a supernova explosion. 'You do not have the opportunity to observe the supernova explosions are very common, especially if you choose the explosions, which occurred close enough that they could study in detail' – says Harrison. 'All we can do is to study the supernova remnants. The composition and distribution of matter in the residues will tell you a lot about the explosion. " We are particularly interested in one element: Ti-44. Obtaining this Titanium isotope nuclear fusion requires a specific combination of energy level, pressure, and the starting materials. In the depths of contracting ("collapsing") stars this combination takes place at a depth that is very specific. Anything below this depth, subject to the influence of gravity and "collapses" into the subsequent formation of a black hole.

Anything above this depth, pulled out in the form of an explosion. Ti-44 is formed just at the point of return (CASP). Thus, the distribution of titanium-44 throughout the nebula has a lot to reveal about what happened at this critical point in the blast. With this information, scientists can determine what was lost in their computer models. See title. Some scientists believe that computer models are very symmetrical. Until recently, even having at its disposal powerful supercomputers, scientists were able to simulate only one-dimensional piece of the star.