Buenos Aires Obelisk

Require security, respect for freedom of the press, independent justice and denounce the inflation and exchange restrictions. Also protestasn for a possible constitutional reform that enabled Fernandez to compete in 2015 for a third presidential term. Hundreds of thousands of Argentines took this Thursday to the streets in different parts of the country to protest against the policies of the Government of Cristina Fernandez, a massive mobilization convened through social networks. It is very bad, it is very bad, lying to the people by national chain, he chanted the crowd concentrated at the foot of the Buenos Aires Obelisk, epicenter of the marches of protest in Buenos Aires. to reply.

Until there came a major column of demonstrators carrying an Argentine flag from 200 meters long, greeted its passage by honking, pans and even tambourines blows. Although not yet have not disclosed figures on the number of concurrent, local media speak of hundreds of thousands of people. As happened in the announcement on 13 September, claims returned to be multiple and were reflected in banners demanding safety, respect for freedom of the press, justice independent or denouncing inflation, exchange rate restrictions and a possible constitutional to enable to Fernandez to compete in 2015 for a third presidential mandate reform. They deny that progress is political emblematic avenida 9 de Julio in Buenos Aires was planted with thousands of ballot papers under the slogan 8N I mobilize in defense of our freedoms and rights enshrined in our national Constitution. Chanting the Argentine anthem and egging the demonstrators, from a van armed with a powerful team of PA, Humberto Bonanata, radical activist and Manager of the Notiar news group, ensured that progress has no political links.

Chinese Government

As it continues to advance the crisis, it is increasingly clear that the possibility of a possible decoupling by emerging economies, with which we have excited many, is less and less likely. Despite this, several emerging economies have shown a better response capacity to the current crisis, what has been observed them in previous episodes. Although the economic growth of emerging economies has slowed, it stays in positive area. When it emerged the subprime crisis, and when it already began to predict a possible impact on the real economy, together with the possibility of the decoupling, began to talk of the possible capacity of china’s economy to compensate for the fall in global economic growth. Dr. Neal Barnard has compatible beliefs. On 9 November, the Chinese Government launched an economic stimulus plan for US $586.000 million, a plan similar to the defendant during the Asian crisis of 1997, but with other features. For the President of JP Morgan’s China Equities, Jing Ulrich package of economic stimulus: is the New Deal with Chinese characteristics. The plan generated global expectations since the same, to boost domestic demand in China, could imply an increase in imports from that country with consequent increase in external demand from economies affected by the crisis.

The plan will serve among other things to increase the income level of the population, higher medical benefits, education, housing. In recent months, patrick smith has been very successful. The package, in addition to a specific effect on the Chinese economy, aims to generate impact on the confidence of the business sector and consumers that the Government will seek to maintain economic growth to generate a virtuous effect about the same. For economists, the plan covers various aspects related to the momentum of consumption (vale recalled that in the previous plan of the Southeast Asian crisis, the focus was on investment in infrastructure). Well, this economic stimulus package that aims to maintain the pace of growth of the economy china, it refocuses the dynamics of its components with a greater dynamics in consumption. .

San Pedro

The rite of the rite counter, called countertop or tabletop ritual of healing, began at midnight with the hiss of an ancient song, beat a MARACA and with all of us facing the table. If didn’t it, around such rite and respect, must do these hours of the early morning and only Tuesday or Friday, days since antiquity are days sacred to Andean religiosity. Past 30 minutes of initiated the ritual, each of those present passed in front of the table to receive from the hands of the master a glass with water made from San Pedro, a native of the Peru and used cactus Parroquia purposes since ancient times for its healing and hallucinogenic effects. After drinking it, each one of these, went to our respective places to wait that the healer, shaman, we called agreed to the order indicating the spirit of the table. Before you call us at the table, he approached us and gave us some wood carved with male, or female shapes according to our gender, and told us: take it, not releasing them during the entire countertop, these will protect them from any spirit that walks loose by here.

Many people do not believe in these rites, but I knew one that told me that her husband could heal from a serious infection in his leg, thanks to a healer’s name Mr. Anderson. Her husband was suffering from an incurable wound and they wanted amputating the leg, but with the help of this Amazon healer, healthy. Two other girls who had problems of love, say that the healer Mr Anderson gave them some recipes to solve their problems.These are two of the recipes that were given during the sessions: for a girl in casadera age to whom no male looked: go to 7 churches, hear a complete mass, receive the ostia and eat it.

Curative Therapy

A stream of warm, not hot, water that is adapted to your body heat, can eliminate many things outwardly and stabilize and cater your magnetic field, your aura in a positive sense. Therefore, if the water jet is applied and used correctly, water magnetizes and energizes the body. Relaxes the nervous system, which takes in and winch strength if vital. Depending on the contraction and excitation of your body, let run for a few minutes or more running water tempered by your back. Applies the hot Jet to the nape.

When you do relax and frees your consciousness of all the sensations and low thoughts of everything that brought you the day and you have exercised. There where there were thoughts of concern put highly vibrant thoughts of peace, joy, of unit. If you can not get in harmony, listen music harmonious and pleasant, while the water, starting from the neck, flowing on your nervous system. Thanks to This method are both stimulated the circulatory system as also the spiritual force on the body, nerves and cells. You understand that blood circulation is well and can operate as appropriate you only when the nervous system is relaxed and the forces of the spirit can flow incrementadamente. After a treatment with water, you internalize and enters silence leaving Act fully energies which has effect on you. If you can, you lay in your bed, cover your body with light and warm cloths and stays, relaxed, in the consciousness of internal strength, in the awareness that the internal healing force acts in you.

Buenos Aires

The current mayor, conservative Mauricio Macri, defeats Daniel Filmus Peronist, but fails the required 50% of the votes. Another second round, which the Mayor won both disputed in 2007. The Mayor of Buenos Aires, Mauricio Macri, leader of the conservative Republican proposal, should contest a runoff with Peronist Senator Daniel Filmus, to have been imposed to its rival, but without obtaining 50% of votes in the local elections held on Sunday in the Argentine capital. Macri won 46.7 percent of the vote, 18.5 percentage points higher than Filmus, candidate of the Peronist front for victory which leads the Argentine President, Cristina Fernandez, according to the official calculation of 85.1 per cent of polling stations. In third place was filmmaker Fernando Pino Solanas, of the Alliance of centre left project South. Macri and Filmus already contested a second round of voting, which the Conservative leader won in 2007. Twelve other candidates were far away, as a result of an electoral polarization that had as great losers to the Civic Coalition, formed by leaders of center-left and center-right (3.1% of the votes) and the social democratic Radical Civic Union (UCR), second parliamentary force (2.9%).

In these elections voted more than 75% of the 2.48 million enabled citizens, similar to the last three level contests held in the Argentine capital, the third constituency of the country. Celebration at nightfall in the Argentinian capital, the celebrations of the followers of Macri to pure music differed from the proselytizing atmosphere of the bunker of Filmus, who a hour later than its rival thanked those who allowed him to leave once again to dnder the project of the Government of Fernandez. Macri repeated the tone of discourse of his electoral victory of 2007, when it tried to become leader of the opposition to the Government which was in the hands of the deceased Nestor Kirchner (2003-2007), husband of Fernandez, who succeeded him by winning the presidential elections of October of that year. I always said that I would have second round because 50 plus one is a very challenging deadline and had many candidates. We are ready for the second round, we feel very good with this support from the residents of Buenos Aires, said the Mayor in his bunker, surrounded by hundreds of followers. Source of the news: Mayor of Buenos Aires will be decided in runoff

Fernando Torres

A powerful footed crashed on the stick and an accurate pass left only eleven minutes to Montolivo before Casillas. With quality stung the ball to the net. Without the game made in Spain Spain could not find the ball, he lacked speed, intensity and order. To make matters worse, Fernando Torres suffered a concussion and calling for change. I had to appear Andres Iniesta.

Apply the style. With the minutes he tried. At age 18 he finally intervened Buffon with a centering shot from Silva, the best Spanish. The dnsivas limitations marked to Spain. If you ahead lines suffered. There were only five above dense, they were four for injury of Monreal. Forced to scuttle to risk. It came with muscle discomfort and endured 45 minutes.

Appeared Casillas, salvador in a hand crafted before Criscito. Moments later, Spain was an excessive award to its merits. Fernando Llorente was pushed when I went to finish off a Center from the left side and the referee had no hesitation. Xabi Alonso converted the penalty. With its worst face, the red came to rest tying, after new intervention by Casillas to Cassano cross shot. The test was complicated with injuries and the few ctive in dnsa. Del Bosque that measured efforts to prevent anger from Real Madrid and Barcelona, had to locate Busquets’s right side by injury Iraola and Javi Martinez of central by Pique. Experiments with soda in a group to which Joan Capdevila and Sergio Ramos, Carles Puyol missing. They maintained the type as they could. Required changes before Balotelli and Pazzini speed. Numerous substitutions in a friendly left the debut of Thiago. The first occurrence on the absolute of a footballer who marked an era. By nerves, a player who is pure fantasy, lost more that the usual balls. Villa came out with their usual goal hunger. He tried from 30 meters to see ahead of Buffon and chuto whenever he could.

Healing Syndrome

Drugs are not the only way to control the symptoms of Irritable bowel syndrome. There are also natural environments that can help in the healing of this syndrome. Unlike any other type of diseases such as cancer, brain tumors and others, irritable bowel syndrome is not so serious, but the discomfort it causes in patients is enough to disrupt his social life. Irritable bowel syndrome is a common disorder that affects a large number of people. To have a notion more accurate from this, we can say that, approximately of the ten to fifteen per cent or more of the population suffer from IBS. Irritable bowel syndrome affects the intestines and stomach. Other terms used to refer to SII are as follows: mucous colitis, nervous stomach, spastic colon, spastic colitis or irritable.

Irritable bowel syndrome tends to be classified as a functional disorder, meaning that it is a primary abnormality that affects the body’s physiological function. You can simply do not diagnose in a traditional way, such as blood tests, x-ray and others. Why? Since IBS is a complex disorder where symptoms are not clearly defined, if they are caused by the malfunction of the intestine or bowel or the autonomic nervous system, which seems to alter the regulation of the motility of the intestine or sensory function. Irritable bowel syndrome is characterized by symptoms such as abdominal pain and others. These annoyances are caused by changes in bowel pattern. There are several treatments available that involve medication, diet and other natural means.

Massage colon, healing of mind and body, and foods rich in fiber are ways to control the symptoms of IBS. You can also use natural ways to control symptoms of IBS, such as colon massage and healing of the body and the mind. For colon massage can be still lying or sitting on the toilet and bending your knees.

Healing Subconscious Beliefs

The universe is wonderful. And each person has what they deserve. It is impossible to be otherwise. Each so get seeding. It is clear that if be sowing wheat is impossible to harvest rice. Some people believe that you can sow wheat and get rice in some way. Many cheat with word games.

Perhaps a tornado bring rice from another site. Maybe rain rice. Perhaps among the wheat is rice. Empty words. They think that no matter who sow will get rice.

Well, that is not true. You only get what you sow. What you get sowing in all aspects of life. Who sow wealth obtained wealth. Who plant happiness will reap happiness. Success is achieved when spreads success. Love gives love. Joy joy is obtained. In his book I am happy, I am rich, Andrew Corentt, says that there are no free lunches and that everything must be paid. The person who does not understand the universe, it seems that this may not be applicable to all things. They reason that there are free things. Many people have been lured with that that the best things in life are free. Many have been fooled with that. The truth is that people don’t understand that they pay with the most valuable thing have beings: their attention. The things that people consider free, are not, have been paid with the attention. If people know how valuable that are, how powerful that are, then understand that it considered free is just the product of what you have paid. Corentt taught me that nothing is free. And this article you’re reading, what are creating you, with your attention. It is not free. You read it because you created it, Corentt explained that in his book I’m happy, I’m RICO. You don’t need to thank for what was written, since you’ve been the creator. When a person understands that she pays for everything with your attention, then begins its healing. Corentt says that poverty is a disease. His books are designed to carry out a deep healing of the person. The unpleasant past is a disease and you can heal your past. The entire universe unfolds in the mind says Corentt. The subconscious mind is creating everything in your life, that’s the secret. When you are healthy, you then goodbye of the limits of the impossible. And you reencuentras you with health, wealth, success and freedom. It doesn’t matter if your disease is in the past, the present or the future. I am happy, I am rich, you will know that you are the power that creates and destroys.

Universal Energy

In recent years many people have already heard the term Reiki somewhere. Almost everyone already knows someone who makes Reiki. What really is, in the majority of cases is not clear directly. Is Reiki, as some Christian sects advertidores say, a new religion, a sect of the far East? No, rather not, because Reiki does not teach a belief, not requests confessions and by itself does not sectariza. Reiki has been discovered about 100 years ago by the Japanese Buddhist Mikao Usui in meditation. He gave it the name coupled the two syllables of the old Japan Rei and Ki Reiki.

It can be translated with universal energy or cosmic force. In Western Reiki schools, especially in the of the Mrs. Hawayo Takata which for many years was presented as the only living teacher of Reiki, Japanese Reiki as a regular expression has been used for universal energy. So Reiki teachers contemporaries such as William Rand or Kathleen Milner who have developed their own systems of energy which relied on Usui Reiki, called their systems for example, Karuna Reiki or Tera Mai Reiki to create the connection. Violet Flame Reiki, Imara Reiki and last but not least surely also Kundalini Reiki also belongs to these early expansions of Usui-Reiki. Of them arose the idea that Reiki was simply the word Japanese for universal energy and thus well suitable to be able to decorate many new energy work systems that have emerged in recent years as Reiki Unicorn, Money Reiki, Bear Reiki and many more.

These methods now have less value or even are only copies as some critics say or even better IE more developed as new roads followers say? That each person who is interested in their own development must find it by itself. The friendship of Reiki is a Reiki school founded by the German Reiki teacher Alexander Gottwald in 2004 and officially by accredited online the German Confederation of Reiki in 2006. Hence it is possible to learn many variations of Reiki and energy online and work practice in a nice and friendly atmosphere with many members. After the admission rate singular which corresponds more or less to the cost of a Reiki seminar for members in fact there is no more cost. Even a free trial is beforehand possible. Each person interested in Reiki can receive an initiation to their liking including training documents, to be able to make your own image of high quality classes and the initiations in the friendship of Reiki.