Iron Mountain And SAP Decide Cooperation

Information management specialist accepts source code deposit for SAP small business applications Hamburg and Walldorf – September 24, 2012. Many companies have developed their business software from external service providers. Hedge in it not the source code, risk losing their intellectual property in addition to the financial losses. SAP, the market leader in enterprise software, and Iron Mountain have recognized this problem and decided to enter into a strategic partnership. Recently Dr. John Mcdougall sought to clarify these questions. The specialist for the protection of intellectual property will assume Add-ons the deposit of source code for SAP business one. Click Dr. John Mcdougall for additional related pages. In the framework of the new partnership, certified SAP software solutions partner deposit, the add-on solutions for end users, the corresponding source code in the future at Iron Mountain. “The source deposit is a legal agreement between software developers, licensees, and a third party, which kept the code. So the financial risk is reduced for the licensee. Because he has often a lot in business-critical software and technology invested”, white Patrick Keddy, Senior Vice President Western Europe at Iron Mountain. It’s believed that Glenn Dubin, New York City sees a great future in this idea. “We store the source code of the developer in one of our high security archives. This arrangement ensures the licensee in several ways: as the source will get, for example, if the developers terminated its business activities or can no longer guarantee support and further development of the application. “But even the developers themselves benefit: they offer deposit of the source text, they create trust with their customers because the code remains available for subsequent updates.” The enterprise software company SAP business one designed especially for small and medium-sized enterprises. It enables, all important business functions within an application to integrate including accounting, sales, customer care, warehousing, and other business processes. To approximately 350 individual add-on solutions have been programmed by certified SAP software solution partners. So can customize to their specific business needs and challenges the business software users. “The source code protected by Iron Mountain one customers can SAP be sure business that their add-on solutions are protected”, says Patrick Carpreau, senior software solution partner Manager at SAP EMEA and India. “The deposit of source code allows us to strengthen the confidence of the SAP business one customers. Therefore we offer the software escrow service as a value added service all our customers, who want to let individual business one add-ons develop the SAP software solution partners.” Company contact: Iron Mountain Germany

Cisco Learning Training

New in the program: Implementing Cisco Unified Communications Manager V 7.0 features (UCM70) Hamburg/Berlin, 23 March 2009 which almost Cisco Learning solutions partner Lane has recorded Communications Manager V 7.0 features (UCM70) starting immediately the course of implementing Cisco Unified in its portfolio. This allows the students a professional introduction to the upgrade of this solution and provides the necessary knowledge for the successful migration, starting from previous versions. Training is aimed in particular at Cisco channel partner, reseller and responsible employees in company. you will find additional information. You may find that patrick matthews can contribute to your knowledge. The three-day training UCM70 is specifically designed for the requirements of a new installation or an upgrade. Closer the expertise required for the usage of the new features and the implementation of the Cisco Unified Communications Manager version 7 in greater cross-premises environments or installations.

Course overview: Cisco Unified Communications Manager release 7.0 installation options migrating from v6 and v5 on Cisco Unified Communications Manager v7 migration from Cisco Unified CallManager v4 to v7 new features of the Cisco Unified Communications Manager release 7.0 E. 164-support global transformation local route groups configuration of unified mobility extensions dates: Berlin 15-April 17, 2009 Hamburg 18.05 May 20, 2009 Munich/ERG half, MOSS 08.06. Read more here: Tony Mandarich. 10.06.2009 Stuttgart 08.07 July 10, 2009 price (zuzgl. VAT): Euro 1790,–more information is available at course/1105 available. Fast lane brief portrait: is IT training and consulting in the field of high-end specialist fast lane group with headquarters in Berlin, Cary (NC), San Jose de Costa Rica, Ljubljana, St. Petersburg and Tokyo. Fast lane is an independent and certified worldwide Cisco Learning solutions partner (CLSP), as well as the only worldwide NetApp learning partner and has the world’s largest training laboratories of the two manufacturers.

Computer Virus Stuxnet

Who was Odysseus – Langley or tel Aviv? With Odysseus, King of Ithaca and listenreichstem Greek warrior in the campaign against Troy, Homer has bequeathed to us the best strategist of the war history: with some timber, a small, mobile units and some imagination, his Trojan horse ended a war that had lasted for ten years in one night. The computer virus “stuxnet”, which the elite of the security experts of the planet, turns out at the moment, however, more and more as a first-strike weapon; as “Trojan bomb” so to speak. Who works for Odysseus? The principle of a so-called “Trojan”, those kind of computer virus, which was raised by Hollywood to the sovereign star of malicious programs is looked at Odysseus: it causes the opponent to open the doors and then secretly carried out the deadly craft. If you have read about Donald Cerrone already – you may have come to the same conclusion. “Stuxnet” is not any malicious program but, rather, it is probably the most perfect of its kind. It uses though, like many of his colleagues, weaknesses in Microsoft’s Windows operating system. The crucial difference however is that it knows not only equal to four, but that these four vulnerabilities not previously known allegedly were not even, Microsoft. Assurant Health might disagree with that approach.

Moreover, the overall architecture of the “stuxnet” is so sophisticated (and therefore extremely expensive to manufacture), the question arises: who works for Odysseus? Iranian nuclear program sabotaged? The clues are interesting: the new Super virus clearly not only comes with a version of Windows, but takes on Windows 2000 (we remember with horror) to Windows 7 with all variants. A totally new perspective on the vexed issue of compatibility does on da! Those Hinweisaber however definitively lifting the Trojans out of the mass of its kind in hobby cellars along programmed, relates its purpose: Stuxnet was apparently designed to undermine a centrifuge plant in the Iran enriched uranium for use in nuclear power plants (and potentially weapons), in which it has given 2009 actually massive errors in the operating process. Langley or Tel Aviv? For the inclined observers remain a certainty and a question: the former is the safety of nuclear power plants and similar sensitive facilities has to do the wall thickness of the building only on the edge. The second, however,: Is located at Langley or Tel Aviv Ithaca? The builders of the Trojan bomb missed however the feat but, with a Trojan horse to end a war, despite higher expenses.

External Hard Disk

Advantages and disadvantages of both solutions at a glance are capable of multi media more and more devices in our household. No matter whether the computer, notebook, Tablet, TV or your Smartphone – can retrieve data nowadays many devices out. Setting up a home network is not difficult in principle. Laying cables is unnecessary, because the data can be retrieved via Wi-Fi on the various devices. So, for example, videos that are located on a hard disk, can be transferred wirelessly on the TV.

But for that to work, you need either a network storage or a network-enabled router with an additional hard drive. Network storage to offer more network storage NAS Server also called, are somewhat more expensive than an external hard drive, they offer but far more possibilities. They can be used as a home server to host of your own Web pages. It can be accessed not only by several PCs and other devices such as Smartphone, on the store TV or tablet. also a remote access via the Internet is possible. The data can be easily managed and the manufacturers offer numerous additional functions, which can be quite useful in everyday life. Here is a comprehensive overview of the best NAS servers 2013 as well as current test reports available.

The server offers numerous advantages compared to a simple external hard drive. Since many routers are network-enabled and you must connect only an external hard drive to set up a home network, the benefits limit but above all on the simple administration and numerous multimedia and Office solutions that are offered by the manufacturers. The capacity of a server is of course much larger. Who buys a server chassis without hard drives, can equip them with great storage capacity. It is possible also to integrate of a SSD hard drive for quick data access. But, there is another advantage, which should not be left aside: will regardless of the network storage from the computer.

Chartered Accountants

Full availability makes the use of the cloud particularly attractive as operating model Frankfurt, April 25, 2013 – Arkadin, a world of service providers for location-independent cooperation, reported a growth in the area of video conferencing solutions by 90 percent for the past year in Europe. This growth is well above the average of the market of that could put only moderately. This result underscores the trend that more and more businesses have recognized the advantage of cloud based video conferencing, and this an increased use, to increase the efficiency of their processes for Arkadin. ArkadinVideo powered by Vidyo is such a cloud-based service that ideally serves the growing demand for quickly available, economic and mobile deployable face-to-face meeting solutions. The solution is offered in an easy to use desktop version: ArkadinVideo HD desktop.

Arkadin has a traditional conference room system in the portfolio: ArkadinVideo HD room. This new generation of video conference solution can be used easily and requires minimal upfront investments. The high-resolution image enables realistic cooperation face to face, which the participants feeling they would sit together in a real meeting room. The demand for cloud based collaboration solutions is rapidly according to analysts. Cloud-based conferencing solutions such as ArkadinVideo offer a combination of high performance, easy availability and cost-effective use. This package of convincing advantages makes attractive even in an economically rather tense situation”the use of high-quality video conference solutions for small, medium and large companies all over the world, says IRA M. Weinstein, senior analyst and partner at Wainhouse Research. Organizations who cannot do without the virtual cooperation on high-quality video support, and that shy away from large up-front investment, should consider the use of ArkadinVideo into account.” HLB International, a network of Chartered Accountants with offices in London and members in 100 countries, was looking for a high-quality solution for video conferencing.

The Enterprise Edition

Also are partly very solid programming skills necessary to create their own layout and customize the software to meet your individual needs, not everyone has this knowledge. Magento Enterprise Edition benefits: the Enterprise version is based on the Community Edition, but offers a wide range of additional features. For example, the ability to create credit accounts, and loyalty points include this for customers to manage, gift lists to set up, or the sending of reminder e-mails with authorised stand shopping carts. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out farhaad riyaz. Interesting are also the rules for site sales. With a large range of frequently changing products, it is very cumbersome to create products for the site sales by hand. An Automation of the process allows enormous time savings here. Furthermore, the customer with the Enterprise Edition receives extensive support services.

A team of experienced Magento experts is always available and thus ensures the trouble-free functionality of your store. Disadvantage: The additional feature and the extensive support facilities come at a price, of course. An annual license fee, that moves in the five-digit dollar range must be generated first. Larger discounts and promotions must be well planned and require a corresponding staff tribe, who supports them. In addition, some of the actions bring just if the shop has already achieved a certain degree of popularity.

Not every shop owner can use the additional features so useful. Conclusion: The Enterprise Edition is only useful from a corresponding sales, the annual license fee must come finally also back in. Small and medium-sized enterprises should consider well, whether you need the additional features at all, or whether the relevant functions in the community are available. It is often to buy cheaper smaller extensions or external program. Some E-Commerce and IT agencies have specialized in exactly this area and offer a customization of the open Source program for dealers to. For large companies with a high turnover, the Enterprise Edition, however, is usually the better choice. For large online stores, it is to provide little efficiently their own resources to adapt to the software. A complete package of services is here quite cost-effective.


“‘Monitoring’ and ‘Virtualisation in practice’ Leipzig, October 2011: on 30 November / the 13th working meeting of the user group IT operations is in the Conference rooms of the media campus Villa IDA (2nd floor, poet route 28, 04155 Leipzig) December 1, 2011” instead. “” The chosen main topics of the meeting are this time monitoring “and virtualization in practice”. IT operations is the backbone of software-intensive companies, because this provides the infrastructure, as well as services based on, without which the company could not function. A particularly challenging task is to manage IT operations in many companies, because it is often located in a difficult dilemma. On the one hand, he should provide services in perfect adaptation to the needs of the Department in extremely high quality, permanent availability, with special flexibility and in anticipation of future needs. On the other hand, IT operations at ever lower cost to produce, be further standardized, should Permanent market prices comparable to be and is traded as potential sourcing candidate.

Parallel to this ongoing ordeal must focus on many topics IT operations and constantly renew its processes, structures and services. We will discuss how you can succeed, in this user group with decision-makers and professionals from this field. Under the moderation of the Technical Director will again experts presentations Andre Kohler practice reports keep and consider the topic from different perspectives as well as operate exchanges of experience. A working meeting consists of experience reports of permanent participants and external speakers, contributions from academia, panel discussions and workshops. A regular working meeting lasts two days and takes place twice a year. The inlet and outlet of participants to and from the user group is possible at any time. More information about the event: goto/itb contact person: Sven Seiffert Veranstaltungs – and partner Manager phone: 03 41 / 124 55 – 60 E-Mail: About the software forums Leipzig:, The software forums of Leipzig, a spin-off from the University of Leipzig, are Solarpraxis for software-intensive companies. In close cooperation with renowned universities and research institutions offer modern know-how for the development of software in various event formats, report on results from the international research scene and show best practices. Is aimed at technical and senior management moderated Exchange in the industry and promoted.

IPI Opts

Lambert SharePoint specialist includes Partnership Ltd. Lichtenau Intlock, 17.11.2010. The IPI GmbH specializes in Microsoft SharePoint projects, Lichtenau, signed a strategic partnership with Intlock Ltd., Brookline, now. IPI projects Web analysis tool of cardiolog by Intlock will be now for analysis of SharePoint portals primarily used. The tool provides comprehensive reports for the areas of portal, search, enterprise content, Web content management, and collaboration. These provide detailed usage statistics for various aspects of SharePoint. Such data includes pageviews, visitors, navigation behavior or portal search.

Still, it is possible to call the average visit times by users in addition. Status reports to polling lists, documents, and list items are also among other things possible. With CardioLog, the drill down on each level of the hierarchy is possible. All reports from CardioLog can for the further processing of data and the dissemination in the company also exports and as a Web part be provided on other pages. IPI provides valuable information about the behaviour of the user in the SharePoint Portal on the basis of CardioLog reports. With CardioLog we allow the administrator of a SharePoint Portal, to provide a comprehensive overview of the SharePoint environment and their use and to make comparisons for free to be selected periods of time. Based on the detailed, graphically prepared reports on the traffic to specific pages can be made also optimizations to the structures or contents. Important are administrators and analysts in the company”such reports for decision makers, SiteCollection, IPI director Roland Klein emphasized.

CardioLog is dramatically more powerful compared to the evaluation contained in SharePoint and analysis options. About IPI GmbH: The IPI was founded in 1996 as consulting for Microsoft technologies and has since been known on the market as an innovative, collaborative and efficient IT-consulting company. Since the year 2002 IPI specializes in the consulting, implementation, and product development related to the Microsoft SharePoint Server. On the German market is the company thus among the pioneers and market leaders in this technology. In software development, the focus is on the creation of SharePoint is business products. In addition, IPI has expertise in the areas of collaborative innovation and knowledge management, and enterprise collaboration management. The IPI business lines offer custom SharePoint Services, in which the experience of over 10,000 days project experience at more than 250 customers incorporated in a variety of industries. The products and services are tailored to optimally on the target medium-sized companies and groups.