Alexander Ukovicha

Temnikov is the oldest city in the territory of Mordovia. He is like a double birth. Here’s how to Temnikov said in a geographical and statistical dictionary of the Russian Empire, drawn up by Semenov: “Temnikov – county town Tambov province. The city’s 327 miles to the north-east of Tambov, in the river navigable Moksha. Patrick matthews takes a slightly different approach. Temnikov a long-standing time was on the ground Mordovians that at the end of the xiv century recognized the Grand Duke of Moscow. From annals show that Temnikov originally was not in the same place, and somewhere on the other, but also on the river Moksha; on this same spot moved only in 1536 and was built up from March 29 to August 2. Time of its foundation remains unknown, and unknown, who was its founder and for some reason, it has emerged.

It is believed that Temnikov appeared in the period of Tatar domination, since the Tatars there was a rank or position “temnikov”, ie desyatitysyachnikov, however, other names it is produced from dense forests surrounding the town. Six miles from this town lies the village of Old Settlement, or Old City, the river Moksha standing on the assumptions in place Originally the city, but here, however, have not saved any remnants of antiquity. In general, must believe that Temnikov built for the preservation of land from invading Mordvinian Nogai and Crimeans Renowned historian, nm Karamzin in the “History of the Russian State, wrote:” Tula was named after Queen Tayduly, wife Chanibekovoy and once controlled her Baskakov, remains the property of Demetrius, as well as former Mordovia region Meschera, bought them from Gdask baptized prince named Alexander Ukovicha.

Russian Christmas Card

It turns out that something like a stamp. Then, the parts that appear, are lubricated with black paint, falls from the top sheet of paper. The paint is imprinted on it, and drawing is ready. Initially, the New splints depicted a happy family with nothing? .. That's right! With a bag of money. Is not this what we often have dreams in the coming year? Then, on the splints were pictured in forest landscapes, religious images.

That time has come to visit England, the first since 1794. Why this year? Because then the artist by the name of Dobson created the first card, dedicated to our holiday. Imagine a winter forest. Everywhere, snow, trees, and near the Christmas tree met a happy family. That is what was shown on the first Christmas picture. But the thought of a postcard in the mail to send Henry Cole is almost 50 years later in 1843.

He was a friend of John Gersli, who agreed as a friend draw a card. From this figure, printed a thousand, and it was the first batch of these, more than our usual Christmas cartons. Clearly, a good example is contagious. And since then, on planet Earth have all become to congratulate each friend to the end of the year and start another with the greeting cards. Once denounced the British mail to the Russian Empire painted paper messages, they are interested in our country. There is a version that the first Russian Christmas Card – artist Nikolai Isayev merit. Change of power. Socialism has come, and religion was declared "the opium of the people." Therefore, the entire Christmas-New Year's attributes for a time disappeared. But then on Soviet postcards painted five-pointed stars and heroes. Revival occurred in the , and these images were intended to raise the morale of soldiers. In the postwar years, Christmas cards sang live in peace and quiet domestic happiness. Those who are older, with their nostalgia. Now young people rarely send pictures that you can hold in their hands. Increasingly confined to the SMS Coy well, or at least e-postcard. Is it good or bad, hard to judge. After all, twenty-first century – while other information and the speed of its transmission. One thing is certain: Cards will always be a very enjoyable way of expressing concern and urgency not to lose than ever!

Advice Foods

The beauty must begin on the inside and with this we talked about our organism, as we really felt is what we transmitted to the others, therefore to shine either, has one close relation with feeding itself or. Next we will enunciate some recommended foods to obtain to shine his beauty. The antioxidants they help to eliminate the free radicals, that are one of the main people in charge of the cardiovascular diseases, the cancer and the aging. The free radicals take place by stress oxidating at cellular level causing damage in the cellular one and weaves. Rich antioxidant foods 1.

Vitamin C: we found in fruits and fresh vegetables, mainly in citruses (orange, grapefruit, lemon, handle, peach tree, apples, strawberries, grapes, etc.) 2. Vitamin E: one of the most important antioxidants is considered. We found it in vegetal oils, especially of olive and sunflower, fruits droughts and cereals like the wheat and the maize. 3. Vitamin A: it is contributed by animal products and vegetables (fished, milk and its derivatives, carrot, pumpkin, tomato, melon, maize, etc.).

Its main action is on the skin. It is tonic of the skin and weaves besides serving like healing. 4. Selenium: it is a mineral that is associated to vitamin we found. It in the meats, the liver, fish, milky and integral cereals. 5. Polifenoles: we found it mainly in the green tea, that in addition contains vitamins To, C and E. Is a complete anti-carcinogenic antioxidant and. Rich fiber foods It tries to have a rich fiber diet, especially the soluble fiber, these foods they will allow to increase to its faecal skittle and its intestinal movements him (the internal peristaltismo), which helped him to have a good intestinal habit thus favoring to the chemical decontamination of its body to to eliminate toxins of its organism, to traverse of lees.