The Aura

These colors previously described, by way of example, would represent the basic colors, depending on their shades, brightness or darkness, which are positive or negative. Modify the color of the Aura at will but just like the colors of the aura influencing character and emotional state of the subject, the person can also influence the color of the aura, in order to achieve a certain improvement in your physical, psychic or spiritual aspect. How can a certain color of the aura I modify? This will be done only on a temporary basis, the time in which the aura can be modified, will depend on the energy quality who holds the subject, as well as if there is a great variation of the chosen color, with the natural color of the aura that the person possesses. In any case, estimated time of such processing, be between half and one hour. For altering the color of the aura, you will be entering a State of total relaxation, and then closing the eyes, keep attention directed to our interior, showing the color of the aura that you want to project. This situation will continue for a sufficient time to feel imbued by the chosen color, and which normally lasts for five minutes. In order to know the characteristics of the colors, in order to achieve the desired objectives, below is a summary of the basic colors. Thus have to use color: Red: If what we want is to download tensions.

Also for charging power. Filed under: Dr Alan Mendelsohn. Yellow: If what we want is to promote creativity, and the ability to reason. Green: If what you want is peace and tranquility. Ideal for connecting with nature. Blue: If what you want is to enhance spiritual experiences. Indigo: If what you want is to promote the mental faculties. Violet: If what you want is to enhance the powers of healing and spirituality.

The Subject

In this regard, and as an illustrative example, we could see how babies and some young children, are sensitive to these manifestations, charged of luminosity and colorful, of persons who are to your around, as well as the rest of living beings, and that is not another thing that what will be called the aura. In the aura we can observe a wide range of colors, these ranging from white, violet, in the image and likeness of which can be seen in the arc Iris. This range of colours, will depend on as we have already mentioned above, the length of the wavelength or frequency of electromagnetic type, that control and processed the chakras, which also have the power to influence the hormonal glands secretions. When the chakras are operating correctly, a homogeneous luminosity is issued and soft tones, in the ultraviolet spectrum, which indicates a correct harmony of body and mind. On the contrary, physical and psychic disorders, they are responsible for the color change of the aura, turning to display dark colors or with stains, aspect that will indicate a deficiency at the physical level, as diseases degenerative type, cancer, infectious diseases, etc., as well as hormonal and psychological disorders.

At the spiritual level, it is interpreted as an indication of the degree of elevation that the individual possesses. Hence the great importance that the display of the aura has always had for the scholars and connoisseurs of the subject, where until recently only was accessible through the powers of clairvoyance. Scientific studies is from the 16th century that Paracelsus, defines it in a scientific way, and describing the aura as something that resembles a field of fire. Subsequently, are increasingly more scientific personalities who study the phenomenon, as well two centuries later is Franz A. Mesmer, who performs studies that lead him to present the theory of animal magnetism, described as an energy of electromagnetic type, which has the power to be able to be transmitted from one being to another, demonstrating excellent faculties for healing.


These are only some of the many things that descubriras in this exclusive course: Applications of Oils: As each essential oil must be applied so that he is but effective, and like combining to each other essential oils to obtain better results l$p. 74? As an accident with a dangerous substance I take to this chemical French to discover the beneficial and curative properties of essential oils l$p. 7? The reason of because they vary so much the prices of essential oils l$p. 9? What is one of the important factors but at the time of choosing that oil to buy and to use in different cases l$p. 9? Because you must have well-taken care of to buy oils reproduced synthetically in laboratory, and to only buy those that are pure 100% l$p. 11? Like obtaining pure to essential oils of high quality – page 24? Like avoiding to be deceived by companies that in label its products with I finish of aromatherapy but in fact they estan to you selling oils synthetic or perfumed l$p. 11? Forms of Essential Oil Use: Like preparing sprays, compressed, vaporizations, massages, enjuages, and more explained l$p. 69 step by step? The 2 ways of entrance of essential oils and as each way has only effects in the body – l$p. 15-18? The oil that can move to the majority of disinfectants of the medicine kits by its ingualables healing properties, antiseptic, antiviral and antimicoticas – l$p. 68? The oil that was verified in Europe with aromatogramas like but effective against estafilococo aureus (cause of pneumonia and other infections); even more than penicillin and the streptomycine pag, 20? The oil that works like an excellent tranquilizer and sedative, and that improves the state of intention due to its positive action on the nervous system l$p.

Advice Foods

The beauty must begin on the inside and with this we talked about our organism, as we really felt is what we transmitted to the others, therefore to shine either, has one close relation with feeding itself or. Next we will enunciate some recommended foods to obtain to shine his beauty. The antioxidants they help to eliminate the free radicals, that are one of the main people in charge of the cardiovascular diseases, the cancer and the aging. The free radicals take place by stress oxidating at cellular level causing damage in the cellular one and weaves. Rich antioxidant foods 1.

Vitamin C: we found in fruits and fresh vegetables, mainly in citruses (orange, grapefruit, lemon, handle, peach tree, apples, strawberries, grapes, etc.) 2. Vitamin E: one of the most important antioxidants is considered. We found it in vegetal oils, especially of olive and sunflower, fruits droughts and cereals like the wheat and the maize. 3. Vitamin A: it is contributed by animal products and vegetables (fished, milk and its derivatives, carrot, pumpkin, tomato, melon, maize, etc.).

Its main action is on the skin. It is tonic of the skin and weaves besides serving like healing. 4. Selenium: it is a mineral that is associated to vitamin we found. It in the meats, the liver, fish, milky and integral cereals. 5. Polifenoles: we found it mainly in the green tea, that in addition contains vitamins To, C and E. Is a complete anti-carcinogenic antioxidant and. Rich fiber foods It tries to have a rich fiber diet, especially the soluble fiber, these foods they will allow to increase to its faecal skittle and its intestinal movements him (the internal peristaltismo), which helped him to have a good intestinal habit thus favoring to the chemical decontamination of its body to to eliminate toxins of its organism, to traverse of lees.