
To make the long winter evenings you can enjoy a homey feel, and not playing a scene from a fairy tale, "Father Frost", we had only a little effort. The first thing to check tightness of windows and doors. For insulation door professionals are advised to take care of that between the door and the frame did not have any, even the smallest crevices. Therefore should be carefully repaired to the door frame all the cracks, crevices and voids a layer of insulating material with one or two sides. Click Glenn Dubin for additional related pages. For this, insulation can be used on the adhesive-based polyurethane foam, hermetic mixture, as well as ordinary household materials (wool, adhesive tape, foam, felt, cotton fabric). Pay particular attention to the balcony door – it must also be warm.

If in winter you do not need to go to the balcony, the door can simply be "sealed". If, however, and in winter time you experience this need, the door to make the most hermetic. In particular, the nut along its entire length, place, tightly clutching the door cushion, made of thick fabric, which you can write scraps of cloth, worn stockings, or foam. Around the perimeter of the door lay a better seal to be attached to both balcony doors – external and internal. Modern sealants are very easy to use. They are usually have self-adhesive base and divided into three main types: – Rubber (Europe) – penopolietilenovye (Russia) – foam (Russia, Turkey). Each of them in his own good, so that the right choice will have on their own.

Acrylic Bathtubs

For example, cast iron tub will not move away from the wall and tile can be fixed directly close to it. However, enamel coated cast iron bath though and features the greatest brilliance compared with acrylic, but demands for a more careful treatment. Restoration of the enamel surface may be a problem if you accidentally drop a heavy bath subject. When buying a cast iron bath in a store should definitely pay attention to the lack of chips and cracks in the enamel. Enamel should have an even color and no stains. With proper care, without caustic detergents enamel years. Cast iron baths have good heat capacity, meaning they are heated for a long time, but the water temperature is also kept them a long time.

The shape of the cast-iron bathtub you can select only a rectangular, as cast iron – a material from which hard to make a bath more intricate shapes. 2. Acrylic bathtub appeared on the Russian market recently, but has earned great popularity. Acrylic is a conventional plastic, but the production of bathrooms it specifically strengthen (reinforce), otherwise he would have to cave under the water. Of quality acrylic and the number of layers of reinforcement and depends on quality of the bath and its price. Many people prefer to choose among the bath is acrylic bathtub because of its low weight. This greatly facilitates the delivery and installation. In addition, acrylic bathtub, you can choose almost any shape. For example, You can use the corner baths Albatros factory or brand Tueco, which boasts a stylish design and practical enough to use

Advice Foods

The beauty must begin on the inside and with this we talked about our organism, as we really felt is what we transmitted to the others, therefore to shine either, has one close relation with feeding itself or. Next we will enunciate some recommended foods to obtain to shine his beauty. The antioxidants they help to eliminate the free radicals, that are one of the main people in charge of the cardiovascular diseases, the cancer and the aging. The free radicals take place by stress oxidating at cellular level causing damage in the cellular one and weaves. Rich antioxidant foods 1.

Vitamin C: we found in fruits and fresh vegetables, mainly in citruses (orange, grapefruit, lemon, handle, peach tree, apples, strawberries, grapes, etc.) 2. Vitamin E: one of the most important antioxidants is considered. We found it in vegetal oils, especially of olive and sunflower, fruits droughts and cereals like the wheat and the maize. 3. Vitamin A: it is contributed by animal products and vegetables (fished, milk and its derivatives, carrot, pumpkin, tomato, melon, maize, etc.).

Its main action is on the skin. It is tonic of the skin and weaves besides serving like healing. 4. Selenium: it is a mineral that is associated to vitamin we found. It in the meats, the liver, fish, milky and integral cereals. 5. Polifenoles: we found it mainly in the green tea, that in addition contains vitamins To, C and E. Is a complete anti-carcinogenic antioxidant and. Rich fiber foods It tries to have a rich fiber diet, especially the soluble fiber, these foods they will allow to increase to its faecal skittle and its intestinal movements him (the internal peristaltismo), which helped him to have a good intestinal habit thus favoring to the chemical decontamination of its body to to eliminate toxins of its organism, to traverse of lees.