Sade Professor Guilherme Abath

Considering still, Portaria n 971/GM, 2006, understands that the construction of the individual and collective health must search to reach: capacity to answer to the manifest suffering, what it depends in such a way on the position of the professionals, as of the organization of the services; position not reducionista front to the action necessity and services of health presented for the citizens; capacity of apprehension extended of the necessities of action of health, in the context of each meeting, by means of the intent look; finally, recognition and defense of inherent intersubjetividade to the practical ones in health, that basically involves a dialgica dimension or of negotiation, between professionals and users, how much to the definition of its therapeutical projects (6,14). With this, studies that if consider to search the inclusion of these practical integrativas as strategy of promotion of the health if justify for the necessity of if knowing, evaluating, to support, to incorporate and to implement experiences that already they come being developed in the public net of many cities and states, as a strategy accomplish to search the completeness of the attention to the health. From this perspective, one searched to describe here in this study, the functioning of a unit of health directed toward the application of Practical the Integrativas and Complementares in the promotion of the Health, presenting a partner-economic profile of its clientele and the more frequent reason of the guiding with the complaints and patologias. PROCEDURES METODOLGICOS were carried through a study of in case that, description, in the Unit of Integral Cares to Sade Professor Guilherme Abath (UCISGA), located in the city of Recife, capital of the state of Pernambuco, situated north-eastern Brazilian, in the period of January of 2005 the December of 2007. The studied population was constituted of 3.160 users who if had submitted the multiprofessional selection in the period in question.