Brazilian Society

of utmost importance that if has on the part of the nurses the recognition of the effectiveness of the assistance and of the necessity of qualified professionals that takes care of the especificidades of the care of nursing to be carried through e, of this form, to adopt for the exercise of the practical o logical reasoning for the decision taking executing the interventions readily. The Brazilian Society of Cardiologia (SBC) confers the responsibility of the interpretation the doctors and cardiologistas, however the nurse must recognize the abnormality of the tracing, thus prioritizing the assistance to the customer who is on its responsibility. (SBC, 2008) the law of the professional exercise, law n 7498/86, in its article 11, item 1 letter M, detaches that the customer under life risk, in serious situations, is of care of the nurse, therefore when recognizing a risk situation it will be guaranteeing a faster and efficient assistance to its customer, therefore the statisticians prove that the cardiac illnesses occupy as the place in mortis causes. (BRAZIL, 1986) the performance of the nurse does not limit it the hospital environment, but must exceed directly intervening it with the process health-illness of the customer. The professional must involve the customer so that he is active in this process and not liabilities coadjuvante of form that the same is responsible for the promotion of its health. Of this form, we see through this study that the nurse is not a simple executor of tasks or norms dictated for other professionals, in contrast, is a professional who possesss specific responsibilities to know to discern thus between the diverse alterations who the ECG evidences and to direct the cares to the patient who it competes. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Alfred Adler by clicking through.