Recycling In China

This style of life feeds the consumerism, stimulates the production of dismissable goods and spreads out the use of 2.1.1 artificial materials the GARBAGE IN OTHER COUNTRIES In the Europe, the situation of the residues is characterized by one strong concern in relation to the recovery and the energy reaproveitamento. The difficulty of generation of energy, which had to the scarce available resources and allied to one high energy consumption, favors the strategy of recycling of the materials and its thermal exploitation. Leripio, on-line, (2004) ' ' it mentions that in the industry of aluminum, for example, 99% of the residues of the production is reused, while the plastic industry arrives 88% of reaproveitamento of its leftovers. Of the total of European municipal residues, about 24% they are destined to incineration, having been 16% with reaproveitamento energtico.' ' In China, country of considerable territorial extension and with great concentrated population contingent in the cities, the people considers the organic residues as a responsibility of the citizen, or better, of the generator. This type of cultural value facilitates the introduction of more rational methods of control of the solid residues, with active participation of the population. It has an individual envolvement of the Chinese citizen with sights to the reintegration of the residues to the natural chain of the life of the planet. The mass of the urban solid residues is composed predominantly of organic material that is used in agriculture.

Thus, the residue is not seen as a problem, but yes as a solution for the fertilizao of ground, what it stimulates the formation of an extensive net of compostagem and biodigesto of residues. This difference of treatment is based on cultural values total differentiated of the occidental people, who had originated another paradigm for treatment of the question. Residues are resulted of processes of diverse activities of the origin community: industrial, domestic, hospital, commercial, agricultural, of services and still of the public varrio.