Jamaica Aloe

Throughout the middle ages aloe remained part of the cultural heritage, while some Greco-Roman texts were lost or were poorly translated, aloe is continued to be used as a tonic, stomachic, purgative, cicatrizant, disinfectant says that the Templars took an bebedizo based on hemp, Palm wine and aloe pulp cooked called that elixir of Jerusalem, and attributed to his good health and longevity. Although Botany as an actual science is not developed until late 15th century and early 16th, the cultivation of medicinal plants is documented already in the 13th century. The invention of the printing press spread the new Science around the world. Columbus, in his trips to America, was also noted as they used aloe on different islands in the Caribbean stop cure blisters, injuries, and insect bites: there are four foods that are essential for the well-being of man: wheat, grapes, olive and aloe. The first nourishes him, the second you vanta his mood, the third brings harmony and fourth cures him (Cristobal Colon, 1451-1506). This shows that aloe also existed on the American continent and not arrived there with the conquest, as it has claimed ever. Aloe is part of the American indigenous traditions, was known since times immemorial and had great healing and spiritual importance both for the Indians who inhabited the Centre of Mexico as for the Mayan civilization. However, after the conquest of America, were the Spanish Jesuits who most contributed to their expansion across the continent.

They brought knowledge of aloe to the different places in America where established their missions. In this way they extended their cultivation and utilization across the continent. They introduced the plant in puerto Rico, Jamaica, and probably also in Barbados, from which comes its scientific name, Aloe Barbadensis. There is also evidence that were the Jesuits who took aloe to the Netherlands Antilles and even Philippines.