
Why do we buy insurance policies? On a wave of “credit boom” of 2004 majority of , not questioned the choice of the best hull. The fact that the presence of hull policy was and remains a requirement of the creditor bank, which significantly increases the cost of the loan. Thus, the average cost of helmets for fiscal foreign cars is about 7-10% of the cost of the car, and on new models vaz can reach up to 15-18%. In addition to all with this “credit insurance” client’s interests are not considered at all. Assured Hull (who would be reimbursed by insurance case) as a rule – a bank, an insurance company with the highest standard rate – from a list of the bank, which is mandatory alarm system (incidentally, another 3-5% of the cost of auto) – from a list of insurance companies. Few clients know, but up to 4 rubles – from every 10-and the cost of the “credit” Hull still have insurance intermediaries – Motor Show insurance broker bank. Filed under: Beneil Dariush. The remaining 6 rubles a risky part of insurance tariff from which to form insurance reserves.

In fairness it should be noted that, in order to enhance the demand avtodillery offer truly the best helmet on the market, subsidizing U.S. insurance company at his own expense. Got my hands on an insurance product on a “fair” price, many of our fellow citizens consider it their duty to “fight off” the cost of hull and pay a regular payment to the bank – Compensation for Hull.