Virus Prevention

It is necessary to consider that the herpes is very contagious, by so we must know many ways how preventing the herpes. If some well-known yours, owns a herpetic injury, you must have well-taken care of of not having contact with this wound, since the virus of the herpes is in the ampollosa injury and can transmit itself easily just by to touch them. But this is not enough, since the virus can transmit itself by indirect bonding, that is to say, if we have contact with some object that has touched the wound previously, runs an elevated risk to contract the virus. In case already you are suffering of the disease, you can avoid the frequency of the infections appellants by means of these advice: – Alimntate well, this aid to that your immunological system stays strong, which you makes less susceptible to than the virus attacks again. – If you do not know like cleaning the wound to accelerate the healing process, he is better not to try anything to avoid to scatter to the virus. – Pregntale to your medical one on preventive medication for the herpes, in case you suffer of frequent attacks that surpass the 4 times to the year, the use of antiviral taken on a daily basis can diminish the frequency of these attacks.

– If the herpes is covered by some article, he is preferable that this is loose to avoid inconveniences. – To avoid the exhibition to the sun, can reactivate the virus. – It avoids some habits like smoking or to drink alcohol, these diminish the defenses and us it makes susceptible. In himself, if or you have been infected with the virus, you must consider that any event that it causes immunosuppression can cause that the virus attacks again, reason why you must avoid these, in measurement that you can avoid them, like avoiding stress or to expose itself too much to the sun, the events that we cannot control must be anticipated with antiviral preventive avoiding a herpes appellant. It discovers as I could eliminate the buds of the genital herpes here using a very peculiar method doing click.