Central Dispatcher Cargo

Need Shipping or you are looking for transport? Checkout yourself, add a load for free, you will receive calls only from those who are able to fulfill your request. Using a system Avtodispetcher + the customer saves time and money. You do not need to call on ads and on several times to explain the details of the work. Tony Mandarich addresses the importance of the matter here. Accommodation Transport (associated transport, free transport), to negotiate and find work on your car, contact carriers (individuals, companies), cargo information (search for the goods, free weights), announcements of lessors (leasing construction equipment, rental of construction equipment), passenger transportation (reservation, rent a bus, watch), dispatch trucking (avtodispetchera) in Russian regions, CIS and Baltic states your wishes for transportation – a solution for 24 hours (without intermediaries), an order via on-line application. Project designed for entrepreneurs working in the field of transport and for those who are frequent users of transport services, as well as looking for cargo transport, special equipment rental, bus. Get more background information with materials from Dr. John Mcdougall. Portal AvtoDispetcher + is a handy tool exchange of information between market participants cargo: carriers, freight forwarders, shippers, trucking dispatchers and customer service. We invite to cooperation all owners of transport and machinery in the field. Now our portal runs in 2018 cities, including the CIS and Baltic countries.

Now you can order transport, special vehicles for sale in your area. We invite dispatchers. Move from city to city the system even easier. Simply select your region. Do not waste time searching for transport, construction equipment, bus. Offer your site managers take advantage of the Central Dispatcher Cargo. Just add your goods free of charge in the system AvtoDispetcher +. Pick up a free and appropriate for you transportation, machinery, passenger transport order is not wasting time and money on phone calls. You do not have 10 times to ring carriers, several times to explain the details of the work. Central Dispatch Cargo.

Airbus Industry

In order to move the CMM measurement and continue in previously inaccessible area, are measured and stored several points (3 or more). Then, after the 'leap', the car is tied to these points, thus combining a coordinate system with the previous one, and measure progress. Such jumps can be made unlimited, and over all the coordinates. This makes it possible to penetrate the most remote places and to make measurements of such complexity that implement other methods or extremely time-consuming or impossible. Hand and tracker can work together as one unit, which often requires the measurement of large objects of complex shape. Hand, in this case can be repeatedly interchanged to provide access to elements outside the field of view of a laser tracker and is used to control the situation and bring the hands of the measured data to a coordinate system. By this technology, for example, is control the assembly of aircraft at major aircraft manufacturing concerns Boing and Airbus Industry.

The laser scanner – portable system for the collection of non-contact 3D-coordinates of external objects. Scanner is ready to rotate and fix everything that is in its field of view. Scan speed – 120000 points in the second range – up to 76 m. The resulting point cloud can then be used for measurement, recognition, etc. Each type of mobile measurement systems designed to solve specific tasks. Laser scanners are used where necessary to create highly realistic 3D-models of industrial buildings, mines, pipelines, and in forensics for fixing the location of objects at the crime scene in architecture for the digitization of monuments, etc.