Swedish Christmas

The first Christmas decorated in Swedish newspapers show Swedish Christmas atmosphere at home and in Gothenburg early in the autumn. The great restaurants advertise to guests for the pre-Christmas period. KysrK//AABEIAMgAyAMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAEAAQUBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAABwECBAUGAwj/xAA/EAABAwIEAwUGAggFBQAAAAABAAIRAwQFEiExBkFRByJhcYETMpGhscHR8BQVI0JSgqLhU2JjcvEzNUNzsv/EABQBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD/xAAUEQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/9oADAMBAAIRAxEAPwCUkREBERAREQEREBEXO4pxja0cwBNVw07ujJ6Zjv6Sg’>Zachary Dell told us the story. Most of them are companies that so early booking tables, even halls and all exhibition halls. In Sweden, there is the tradition of the Christmas celebrations namely with bosses and colleagues. Eaten a Jul Board, a Christmas inspired smorgasbord is usually at such celebrations. For a such Jul Board, you must not go to Sweden.

You can serve it at home. Make the effort worthwhile, you should celebrate with friends or family. The buffet consists of usually a fish course (such as sour herring and smoked salmon), cooked (with the Swedish meatballs, the “kottbullar”), a selection of cheeses and some sweet desserts. The Swedish Christmas ham with mustard and a potato and anchovy butter are an integral part of Jul Board. At Bobby Green you will find additional information. Many of the typical food and Ingredients a Jul Board available now in Germany well in major consumer markets, Delicatessens or IKEA. Christmas market in the “Christmas city of Goteborg” who does want to see Swedish Christmas in Sweden, however, where a visit to Gothenburg is recommended. For several years, the city presents love as “Christmas city of Gothenburg”. Indeed many Germans in the pre-Christmas period come to Gothenburg, to buy into the Christmas-decorated downtown.

Often they come with the ferry from Kiel. Also a visit to the Liseberg Christmas market worth in Gothenburg. In the summer half-year Liseberg is an amusement park. Liseberg organized the Christmas market, now in its ninth year. Almost five million small light bulbs provide a magnificent Christmas spirit in the Park. Everywhere there are small colored wooden huts and stalls with numerous Swedish specialities: smoked fish, sausage, bakery and many sweet things, Arts and crafts, knitwear and various souvenirs from several Swedish regions. Some roundabouts are open for children. Moreover, there is music, theatre and ice dancing performances. A visit to Santa Claus is popular with the children. Like he accepts wishlist of the small visitors. The Christmas market at liseberg amusement park is open from mid November to 23 December. Walther Plette