Osteochondroma Cancer

Origin, symptoms, diagnosis, and therapy bone cancer in bone cancer are understood several types of cancer in the bone tissue. In principle, two forms of cancer can be distinguished. The primary bone cancer has its origin in the bone cells and occurs virtually little. Affected children and young adults are focusing on. Secondary bone cancer has its origin in tumors in other organs of the body and settles as metastases to the bone.

Most elderly people are affected by the secondary bone cancer. The emergence of a bone cancer disease linked with bone cancer is clear until now inconclusive. There are a lot of different causative factors that can encourage the development of bone cancer. These include certain lifestyle habits, environmental pollution, radioactive radiation and present genetic conditioning. It is believed that just for the emergence of primary bone cancer, genetic factors play a major role. When the primary bone cancer two main types of bone cancers differ the Ewing Sarcoma and osteosarcoma. When the Ewing Sarcoma gene mutations were detected on chromosome 13 in the diseased individuals. Affected by the osteosarcoma patients often already before the outbreak of the disease on a faulty bone structure.

It is believed that the disease could be a cause for the emergence of the osteosarcoma multiple Osteochondroma. The multiple Osteochondroma cause the formation of benign tumors in bone and cartilage tissue. The primary bone cancer is the most common malignant tumor disease in children and adolescents par excellence, which osteosarcoma occurs more frequently as the Ewing sarcoma. A secondary bone cancer is caused by other cancer tumors corroding as metastases in bone tissue to. These include breast cancer, lung cancer, kidney cancer and prostate cancer, bladder cancer or thyroid cancer. Both forms of bone cancer can show up as well as in the bone, as well as in the bone marrow tissue.