Industrial Revolution

It has had of those moments ” aaaaargh” with its adolescents? The stage of the adolescence often is very frustrating as much for the parents as for the children, since great changes in the relation take place son-father for who neither it is preparation. Lamentably in this one stage often one takes place breaks in the relation among them. Many parents even assume that this one breaks is natural and necessary and that simply comprises of the life. Nevertheless, many pains can be avoided if the situation is handled correctly. > is the source. In order to begin, it is necessary to understand what is the reality of an adolescent nowadays. Its life returns around its friendly, some hobby or deports favorite and the fulfillment with its obligations of study in the school.

Generally, the adolescent of nowadays is very remote of the problematic one of the real life that is living their parents. In addition, the few responsibilities that are demanded to him do not have sense for or the young person, since often they do not bear personal relation to his interests or aspirations. Their lives do not seem to have connection with the real world in which they live. He even arrives himself at the end in which the parents make enormous sacrifices by the education of their children, but the son does not have time to attend to them because he must study. We have back been comparing this one reality with the life of an adolescent for 200 years, before the Industrial Revolution, when the activities of the family still turned around a familiar company. You know that the term of ” did not exist; adolescente” at that time? The children began a very early age to acquire small responsibilities in the familiar business. When to arrive at which today we called adolescence, they already were considered as adult young people and had still majors responsibilities.