Brazilian Gastronomy

With the advance of the technology, the constant changes in the environment directly influence in the feeding of all the people, who live in differentiated realities, suffering a pressure in its organism that always receive varied foods and nor from good quality and in its great majority industrialized products, from which do not know the real origin. This has caused a significant increase of cases of diverse illnesses, having had as .causing main me the feeding. She is necessary that, over all to take in account the historical factors that influence in the alimentary habits and elaboration of new habits where the regionalidade, naturalness and the socialization promoted for typical plates they actively act in the quality of life of the people. Words key: gastronomia, economy, culinria, culture, prescriptions, combination, flavors. INTRODUCTION Appears in France in century XIX the term gastronomia. This time it was characterized for the great value attributed to vegetables, mainly potatoes.

Rescuing and adaptando the current reality, each city develops its typical plate, valuing its culture and its regionalidade, and still standing out what it has of better in the culinria of its city. Umuarama situated city in the region the northwest of the Paran and has as typical plate the chicken in the roofing tile, and receives in this festividade visiting of all region. The party, carried through a time per year, in the November month, mobilizes all the townspeople, companies and visitors. Many people not yet have access to the knowledge, do not know very on the cultural base of its city nor of its roots. The name of Umuarama in the gastronmico tourism can still be emphasized that the profits are coated the institutions devoid of the city, one of the other objective of the party and be expanded, according to President of the event, Francisco Wild Elias.