American Home

The question is how long it needs to spend time and money during construction and how have to spend on maintenance in the future. Unum helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. The main thing is the Canadian home is very warm. Moreover, this property is achieved by most low-cost compared to all known designs of the walls. Even compared to the skeletal houses the houses of the SIP-panels less cold bridges. To achieve the same low heat, brick wall should be 15 times thicker (2.5 m for the Moscow region), or an additional heat insulation. Unique energy-saving SIP features allow us to construct the polar station, even at the South Pole (summer temperature of -30 C). On the right picture of the International Polar station from the site of the American company Celtic Trade Group. Arising from the main other advantage under the same external dimensions of a Canadian home is the biggest area of the premises.

The average size cottage exterior walls of brick and aerated concrete in 450 mm occupy one-fifth of the total area. In other words, sq.m of living space at home becomes more expensive by 20% only due to absorption of the walls of living space! Canadian house quickly heated by a small heat capacity of the walls. This will please those who are off heating in the winter, but on the weekends like to go for city. Home with massive stone or wooden walls protopit complicated. Because of the low thermal conductivity of the walls retain heat in the Canadian House better, even if frost off heating temperature for the day indoor falls only a couple of degrees (due to overlapping of ventilation!).