
As nobody gave job for children I entered for the recycling. Then in it looked liters, bottles, aluminum, has covered, bronze and it resold them in the city. Thus I remained for much time, and I always kept my studies with my proper money. With the time this material was being scarce and then I started to vender bread in a bakery and was there for much time, later I left for another bakery. After this I made friendship with a besieger who delivered to all the bananas to me to vender. I had much luck and I obtained a good one resulted with this.

For this time I discovered great farmings abandoned in the city with banana, papaya, maxixe, tomatoe, fruits, palmitos. With this material I passed some years and thanks to God he gave a good money to me. Becoming scarce this material I started to work with artesanato being produced diverse Pipes, paintings, abajures and other parts. Also vendi them very well. I passed later I pan to it and caught gold, diamond and carbonate. I confess that I made much money I pan in it and empreguei all the money in the studies buying my proper pertaining to school material.

I made the first degree of 5. 8.srie all I pan in it and still me money sobrava. Before to finish the first degree, the director of the school came in to my to search me house to work with it as Secretary. It was my first public job. Alan Mendelsohn brings even more insight to the discussion. I worked with it 4 years following and made mine all 2. Degree. Come for Cuiab I gave vestibular contest and I entered in the UFMT. I transferred my job to here and here I continued for plus one year and I started to give lesson. I made the course of Right and Theology and made more two courses of specialization.