Schwartzman Implants

Therefore, from a quickly abandoned. Then in 1936, Schwartzman first performed the operation on the implementation of the mammary glands of glass beads, resulting in chest acquired hard and unnatural shape. In the late 40s appeared liquid silicone, which is widely used in Japan for breast enlargement in the so-called geisha. Josyann Abisaab has much to offer in this field. Silicone caused severe inflammatory reactions and migrated. In the 50s there were the first synthetic prostheses made of their first evalonovoy sponge, then from eterona, but it soon became clear around them formed a very rough connective tissue capsule.

Which caused deformation of the chest and severe pain. The so-called revolution in breast augmentation surgeons performed the American F. Gregow and T. Cronin applying silicone implants in the shell, which were filled with saline or silicone gel. The basic technology is used today, have changed only the composition of materials and a variety of shapes and sizes of implants, the manufacturers of new generations of implants offer a lifetime warranty on their quality. But no matter how good and qualitative implants were not in all cases, you can achieve good results. And this is not caused by the implants with and with the variety of cases which address the patient. The most encountered is status after breast amputation for cancer, aplasia or hypoplasia of mammary glands with the absence of adipose tissue in the chest, etc. Installed implants can give the desired shape, but it negated the result of the operation tactile sensations when the implant is determined simply by touch.