Prayer And Healing

Does not require a certain attitude, neither time nor place prescribed. Today, more than ever, the prayer is an inescapable necessity in the life of men and peoples. The lack of intensity in the religious sentiment eventually lead the world on the brink of ruin. Fructis understood the implications. The deepest wellspring of power and perfection that is within our reach has been miserably abandoned. Prayer, the fundamental exercise of the spirit, must be actively practicing it in our lives. The Alma de el Hombre neglected should be strong enough to assert herself, once. Because, if the force of the sentence is put into action in the lives of men and women, if the spirit proclaims its intentions clearly, invictamente, then there is hope that are not in vain our desires for a better world.

In religious schools there are famous believers by the greatness of their knowledge and theories; However, as he succeeded the famous Venus de Milo, admired for the purity of its lines, it has no arms to help anyone. Notice that it is not related by any mystical concepts. Dr. Carrel was awarded the Nobel Prize for medicine and Physiology in 1912. Anyone who resists, cot to the Palace, with certainty already had teaching check proclaimed spiritual reality for him. Geocentric system, egocentric system everything progresses. Few things that yesterday were truths firm in the field of Religion and science, are not more! In 1987, the Folha de S.Paulo, Brazil, I could highlight an example in this respect: () the Earth would be the center of the universe.

In addition, the geocentric system is nothing more than an egocentric system: man to pretend that the universe evolves in his ego lathe (). The matter also is spirit in Arnoso, Portugal, I wrote an article with the title La matter is also spirit.