Aesthetic Face

The performance in the aesthetic area was regulated by the Resolution Number 352, of 05 of April of 2008, the Federal Advice of Fonoaudiologia that ‘ ‘ It makes use on the performance of the professional in Motricidade Orofacial with purpose esttica.’ ‘

Three types of rugas exist: of expression, caused for the action of the muscles of mimic the face one; the gravitational ones, caused for the weight of fabrics throughout the time and for the loss of colgeno of the skin; the mixing. Beyond the cited factors previously, they contribute for the appearance of rugas external factors as: preexisting respiratory illnesses of skin and/or; medicine use; alimentary habits; daily water consumption and liquids; level of stress; personality; rest hours; life habits (work, leisure); exposition to the sun and precautions; tobaccoism; alcoholism; extreme and fast emagrecimento; face surgeries; practical of physical activities. Rugas of expression is those that if they locate on of the nose, horizontal line or vertically, in the forehead, sings in it external of the eyes, in the superior lip. Rugas that they are formed ahead of the ears, in the sides of the chin or the neck is the gravitational called ones. The nasognicos ridges (Chinese mustache) – depressions that go of the lateral of the nose to the extremity of the mouth, also being able to extend until the vertical jaw and rugas that they are formed in the forebody of the neck, are examples of rugas of mixing origin. The aesthetic fonoaudiolgico work inside of the face one has for objective: to adjust the position of face rest and the estomatogmticas functions of breath, suction, chew, deglutition and speaks, aiming at the balance and the face harmony; to balance the muscular forces of neck and face; to fortify and to support the muscles of the face; to minimize or to eliminate mimic face exacerbadas or the inadequate ones; to prevent the appearance of aging signals; to provide verbal, face and cervical habits adjusted; to stimulate the oxygenation and the face and cervical vascularizao; to harmonize aesthetic and the functionary.