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Throw out your head silly, limiting beliefs! If you made many mistakes in my life, it does not mean that you have no right to be bold like that! If you have been a lot of difficult situations in life, it does not mean that you do not be able to confront and change your life! – It's all nonsense! There are times when I have to remind myself that there is no desperate situations, you need to show more determination and focus its attention on achievement, not destruction. Once I owe the bank a huge sum of money and immediately pay that amount I have not had the opportunity. Time passed, and the amount owed on the loan quickly went up, but I did not put out the debt. This The situation seemed desperate to me and the topic of credit becomes painful for me. It got everything up to that thought for a loan would not let me sleep at night. Hearing the doorbell, I was just as much cheated on fears that it bank employees. Now I think it's funny, but believe me, then, that for me was a huge problem, which badly shook my nervishki. I do not know what it would be all over, if I had not made a decision to act.

I understood that because of its levity, I let into my life situation, which literally devoured me. And if I do not begin to take any decision is out of this situation, things will only get worse. First my action to combat the problem, had to be going to the bank. Though I was very afraid and ashamed to go there, I still decided to take this step. Was all not so bad as I invent myself in the head. Although my trip to the bank does not reduce my debt nor a penny, but when I left the bank, I felt considerable relief. Because now I knew that or anything of my worst fears did not happen, the main thing that I started to extinguish the debt amount.

The same evening, I made a financial plan, significantly reducing their needs and directing the main flow of money to repay the loan. By my calculations, to repay the loan, I had ten months. But I managed to repay its entire only two months. PS You can do more in your life! Remember! Whenever you get the choice – to surrender or keep fighting? Fight – it's always the right decision – a decision the winners! Source: